Rosie, Supermodel

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Charlotte came over to see how huge the dog had gotten. She's massive.

One nice thing is that she's figured out how to use the Buster Cube, which can give us an hour of uninterrupted time when she's definitely occupied (and you can hear it). The occasional frozen carrot helps her maintain her girlish figure.

This afternoon, Ana made a dash out the back door, but Rosie, ever the able handy-dog, chased her back inside.

Rosie is also working on her Master Gardener degree, now. On our evening walk, she picked up every snail she came across. Now, if I could only harness this inclination for my own purposes.

Rosie in the Big-Girl Crate

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This page contains a single entry by Ayse published on January 6, 2002 9:45 PM.

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