Now I Have to Clean My Studio


The real drawback to the thesis studio is that it's a yearlong process, instead of the usual 10-week sprints. That means an awful lot of stuff can accumulate in the studio without the forced cleanouts.

Noel took this photo of me presenting at the final crit on Saturday. My boards are on the wall behind me; the rest of that stuff is my classmates' projects (I'll post more about them later).

Presenting my thesis

The crit went very well. We had the conversation I was interested in having, and I got some good directions to explore. I probably won't explore them for this project, but the saying is that you spend the rest of your life working on your thesis, and I think that is definitely going to be true.

The next day we cleaned some things out of my studio, went to my apartment in SLO and packed up a bunch of stuff, and drove home, where I have basically been asleep.

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This page contains a single entry by Ayse published on November 19, 2007 5:53 PM.

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