Homemaking: May 2004 Archives

What I've Been Doing

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I had a list of things I wanted to get done this weekend, and this morning I went down the list to see what I'd actually gotten done:

1. Countertop

What it involved: Detail, buy parts for, and build a simple countertop in the kitchen to replace the two rolling carts where we have the microwave and Noel's Coffeerama.

What got done: Detailing (a lot more work than it sounds, as all the joints and parts had to be figured out), buying half the pieces (I was unable to lift plywood at Home Depot on account of my bum shoulder acting up), and leaning the pieces on the house in the back yard. Moving the rolling carts, making a gigantic mess with all the stuff that was around the carts. Not making much progress on the countertop itself.

2. Entry beautification

What it involved: Remove plastic weedblocker that is starting to lift and blow away, weed in the lavender beds, and water the street tree. Buy two large pots, plant them with flowers, and place in front of the house. Also buy a doormat.

What got done: I finished it! Friday I removed the plastic, Saturday I weeded and watered, and yesterday morning I potted up a bunch of petunias and put them out front. I think they look rather nice, though they need to grow in. I had some extra petunias from the half-flat I bought, so I potted them up for Noel to take to work, so he can have flowers in his office.

3. Office and accordion room curtains

What it involved: Iron curtain fabric, then measure each window (the blasted things are all slightly different sizes) and make curtains.

What got done: So far, I've ironed about 1/3 of the fabric (well, there are 20 yards of the stuff!), but my shoulder hurts like all hell, so I'm not sure this one is going to go far. I also remembered to buy the hanging hardware from Home Depot while I was buying countertop pieces. Now for the fiddly bit.

4. Box purging

What it involved: Sort through collection of shipping materials, recycle or throw away as needed.

What got done: Most of this is done. Noel has a bunch of audio gear he's selling, so I'm saving large boxes for him, and packing peanuts. What I was getting rid of were balls of shredded newspaper, and anything that smells like cigarette smoke (eBay sellers seem to smoke a lot). The stuff to get rid of is downstairs in the hall, and the stuff to keep is sorted and stacked more neatly in the office.

5. Paperwork

What it involved: Tidy up piles of papers around the place.

What got done: This actually was done Friday night, but mysteriously, more piles of papers have appeared. I think the house makes them. Or the cats. Maybe it's a good thing that there's a Super Fling Boogie starting tomorrow.

6. Accordion room tidying

What it involved: Clean and put away technical drawing pens which have been all over the drafting table for a month.

What got done: Pens are clean, they are dry, and they will be reassembled and put away later today.

7. Borrowed items

What it involved: Return Elaine's projector and pen cleaner, borrowed a month ago and no longer needed.

What got done: I keep forgetting to bring these when I go over to her house to visit the kittens. So once I finish putting the pens away, I'm going to stack these by the door so I remember to take them when I go over there. Also, I must remember that I stopped by the grocery store on the way over there last night and bought some ice cream, and put it in her freezer, and forgot to bring it with me when I left. Oops.

8. Kitchen cleaning

What it involved: Purge the fridge and freezer of nasty items, freezerburned items, and expired things that haven't yet turned (visibly) nasty. Also take the food scraps bin out and dump it.

What got done: All purged! One of my few completed tasks. Actually, we never have all that much in the fridge, so purging was easy. But I had some frozen foods that I had been avoiding dealing with in the freezer, and now they're gone.

9. Library maintenance

What it involved: Reshelve books I've got scrambled all over the house.

What got done: I completely forgot I was going to do this this weekend until this morning, so all I've done is stack the upstairs books in one pile to be taken downstairs.

I really only had two large projects (countertop and curtains) this weekend, so it's a bit disheartening to see that I didn't get them done, or even make a good dent in the work, but the rest of the stuff went pretty well, and I think with some concerted work on the project I can finish the base of the countertop today. The real bother is pulling the table saw out of the basement, so maybe I will use Bob's circular saw (on semi-permanent loan) instead. The rest is just nailing and gluing.

Coffee Smoke

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Noel bought himself a coffee roaster. I wish I could ridicule this as a useless toy, but he actually drinks enough coffee to make it a useful item. With it he bought a selection of green coffee beans to roast in small batches (for the perfect, perfectly fresh cup of coffee). It seemed like a good idea at the time, and I even went to the warehouse today to pick everything up for him.

Except the house is filled with smoke now. Coffeeish smelling smoke, kind of like the smell of burnt coffee at a diner where they just keep adding more fresh coffee to the pot, which has developed a black rind on the bottom. This smoke is apparently one of the byproducts of the roaster. It seems that Noel left the back door open while roasting, and the persistent sea breeze across the bay and through our back yard pushed all the smoke from the kitchen through the dining room, down the hall, up the stairs, and into the accordion room where I was attempting to gesso a board.

He also bought a coffee grinder, and I have been informed that there will be a lot of test grinds before he finds just the right one to run through The Machine. In the meantime, where's my dinner?

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