Waiting a Lot


At Smith, exams worked differently. You had a week or so to take exams, but you could mostly take them when you wanted, because you went, checked the exam out, did it, then checked it back in the right amount of time later. A good, well-enforced honour code and trust in the students meant that if you had two easy exams, you could do them the same day, and study for the one hard one the rest of the time.

Not so Cal Poly, and I guess for good reason. It's much harder to maintain an honour code with 17,000 students who have been "educated" in California. I've had numerous classmates ask me if they can sit next to me during tests, and quite frankly I'm appalled at the lack of ethics or honesty, but it seems like I'm alone in that one. So we have assigned times for exams.

Which means that my hardest exam, engineering, was at 7:30 am Monday. My accounting exam was this morning (easy enough), and my political science exam is tomorrow night (piece of cake). Had this been Smith, I would be out of here by now, but instead I get to sit around (stewing about plans and planners and basements) reading novels, half-heartedly reviewing my notes, and generally waiting for the exams to come up. It's really irritating. Add onto that something making me not sleep very well these days (stress, maybe? Or perhaps BOREDOM?), and I've been antsy as all hell all day. But too angry after my little volleyball episode with the City to go out and be around people who don't like being bitten and kicked in the shins while somebody yells "I'll give you a detailed electrical plan" at them.

I have to do laundry tomorrow (because otherwise I'll be showing up at my parents' house with it, and I'm a touch old for that routine). That should keep me occupied for a couple of hours. I've read every book in the apartment and I really want to get my hands on a couple of books at home (I was thinking about Finnegans Wake today and getting irritated because I could not remember a detail and obviously I didn't bring it down here, nor am I going to go buy a copy; I could go to the library but it's full of people who are irritating me by BREATHING MY AIR so it seemed like a bad idea). I may also try hitting a few thrift stores tomorrow for cheap novels, though apparently people down here don't read much, because mostly the thrift stores have books about Jesus or ancient test-prep manuals, so I'm not holding my breath.

And don't tell me to knit because I have used my hands too much this week and knitting or crocheting makes my fingers go all numb. Can't even draw. See, I get the use of my finger back at long last, and immediately screw it all up for myself by doing too much CAD work and wonking out my wrists and shoulders. I can't be trusted with a body.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Ayse published on March 16, 2005 9:35 PM.

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