In Your Dreams

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I think I've decided why it is that I read the blogs of so many gay men I don't know. It's that they are about to speak about the world in a way that is similar to the way I think. Being gay gives a man an instant, credible sympathy with the way women are treated, because he's forced to deal with being feminized, and having a part of his personality devalued because it's not "masculine" enough.

It's hard to imagine most straight men I know writing something like this post by Hot Toddy:

If I actually could control my dreams, I would have more dreams about flying. I love when I can fly in my dreams.

The non-geeky straight guys I know would never be caught dead being so whimsical. The geeks would be so obsessed with whatever they geek out about (computers, cars, genetics, politics, you name it) that something so undirected would never occur to them. Not to mention that for most of them, it would simply never occur to them to sit around and talk about what they would dream about if they could dream about anything. And if they did, it would mostly be about who they would dream about having sex with.

This ability to be whimsical is one of the things I find entrancing about Noel. It's one of the reasons I think of him as the other half of my brain (the half that can play the piano without sounding like a murder is being committed). We can have the stupidest conversations on Earth without being embarassed about having a stupid conversation. If I could wish for anything for the world, it would be that there were more stupid conversations. And fewer people were ashamed of being silly.


Thanks for the link! I'm glad you found my post interesting, and it was nice of you to say so :)

Must be a gay thing? I too have recentlly dreamed of flying- after months of dreaming that I had to run away from something but couldn't because my legs were crossed (hmmm gay thing?) and asleep.

Now when I dream about flying I just decide to do it- but careful not to go too fast- might crash.

I've never crashed while flying in a dream, but sometimes near the end I sort of run out of gas. I land and I can't take off again.

I think everybody dreams about flying, not just gay people. Maybe the flying dreams relate to coming out, though; I've heard some people say that when they dream about flying they are dreaming about being free to do whatever they want.

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This page contains a single entry by Ayse published on June 9, 2004 10:32 PM.

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