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August 7, 2006


I may not have slept much in the last 48 hours, but I've just finished my final project for the quarter. It's off at the print bureau being printed, after which I will take it to the studio and mount it. The crit is tomorrow, so I'll have time to clean my desk, hang my pieces, and get some decent sleep beforehand.

The project was to build a museum on a lot in Paso Robles. We chose our subjects, so mine is a Reliquary for Unwanted Taxidermy. (Well, what else would be right for Paso Robles?) I really cannot wait to see the web hits I will get because of that phrase.

Here's a view of the building from the street:


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And here it is in section. The whole thing is a ramp, which makes it inherently accessible without needing the elevator.


I've been playing around with variations on the all-ramped museum for the last two years; I find the concept really intriguing, and it fits with my idea that we really should just make all our buildings accessible. You never know when you're going to break a leg or pull your back, and suddenly those stairs that seemed so easy are an insurmountable barrier. Yeah, off the soap box. Also, the ramps make really interesting ceilings.

And: three more days of school! Then school moves North for a quarter!

Posted by ayse on 08/07/06 at 4:57 PM

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