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April 13, 2006

Dog Emotions

Some people think dogs don't have emotions like us: love, hate, jealousy, affection. I can't imagine they've ever spent time with dogs when they say or write things like that.

Rosie and Goldie have gotten much closer in the last few months. I think Goldie thinks of Rosie as her puppy, because she will often throw Rosie to the floor (she outweighs her by nearly ten pounds) and groom her the way she would a puppy. Especially cleaning inside her ears, which elicits little groans of happiness from Rosie.

At first when we brought Goldie into the household, we were worried that they would never be friends. But time and a return of Goldie's pre-puppy energy has made a big difference, and now they like each other quite a bit.

Snuggled up

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Sometimes the little grooming festivals get really involved, with lots of horrible sucking sounds and rolling around. So far it's just Goldie grooming Rosie. If Rosie ever reciprocates, we will have a real breakthrough.

Ear cleaning

Usually, Rosie just play-bites Goldie on the head (play-biting doesn't involve chomping down). Goldie is very tolerant, and soon returns to her mothering.

Head biting

Goldie also seems to have a real affection for stuffed toys. I know she didn't have any or many in the kennel, but she has taken to them like a natural. She carries them around, grooms them, and squeaks them. She prefers toys around the size and shape of a 2-week-old puppy, with intact squeakers. I don't know what that means in Freudian terms.

Sleeping with a toy

She likes to curl up and hug the toys. It's very sweet.


Yeah, I know I already posted about the dogs today, but when I was getting the charette photos off the camera I found the grooming/biting photos and then Goldie lay down next to me with the white goose toy. So I could not help it.

Posted by ayse on 04/13/06 at 11:37 PM

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