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February 7, 2005

Navel Gazing

There seem to be two opinions of bloggers: they're either wannabe reporters, or they're utterly self-absorbed. Personally, I think I lean towards self-absorbed, because I tried that reporter thing, and didn't like it when I was actually being paid to do it, so why do it for free?


The truth is, I know most of the people who read this blog, and I know they pretty much do it so they can keep up with what I'm doing without having to rely on my less-than-stellar ability to tell them myself. (Hi, parents!) So I figure it makes sense to just post things about what I've been doing here, because what the hell else do I have to write about? You can all read your news on other sites, and I don't feel much need to link to them every time they have an interesting article, because either you read them already or you can find them through a Google search if you're that interested.

That said, I know I'm letting you down by not posting every day with more luscious details of life in architecture school (read, draw, build, sleep). I got a letter from my mother the other day, and it began, "You have not updated your web site recently...." That's how serious it is, folks. The reason I have not been updating this site lately is not complex or interesting. It is simply that I have been doing schoolwork. Construction Accounting is not the most challenging class on my schedule, but it certainly does eat up a lot of time with journal entries and financial reports. I think I can do an income statement in my sleep now, which appears to be more than I can say for my classmates.

(If you ever want to meet a bunch of hunky guys who may not be high on the raw intelligence tree but will certainly be making big money in five years, take a class or two in Construction Management. Know how to explain accounting transactions and financial statements, and you'll get asked out for coffee a LOT.)

Anyway, this is just a quick posting to let you all know I am alive and busy and when I have some time I'll scan some more pictures from my sketchbook and bore you all to death.

Posted by ayse on 02/07/05 at 11:43 PM