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Do We Still Pretend to be the Land of the Free?

One Truth For All

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July 10, 2004


We managed to throw a surprise party for our friend George tonight.

I did flowers and cupcakes (ie, birthday cake), and Christo did main food and inviting, and Joseph the Chef did food finessing and sangria.

Noel and Paul Sartin did the music.

The best part was that just as George was about to open the door, when everybody was gathered in the hall waiting to say SURPRISE!, he turned and greeted a person coming up to the door, a late arriver. So the door was wide open and there we all were, staring at his back as he talked to Bill about what he happened to be doing in the neighborhood.

Then he turned around and we all yelled SURPRISE! at last, and he was well and truly surprised.

A good time was had by all, and the organ didn't even get started up, which makes it rather more talkable at a party.

The sangria was the big hit; the cupcakes less so; I could have make half as many, but I wasn't counting on two other people bringing desserts.

Tomorrow Noel goes off for a week to Mendocino with Paul, and I begin The Great Redecoration Project. What shall I do, and which room shall I do it to?

Posted by ayse on 07/10/04 at 12:28 AM


Many happy returns to George! I love it when a plan comes together.