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May 18, 2004

Inside the Mind of a Celebrity

I was looking through some bookmarks I have saved this evening and I found some celebrity blogs. I found these fascinating the first time I saw them, read the main page, then bookmarked them and never returned. I think it's because the last thing I want to do is get inside the head of a complete stranger (this does not explain why I read the blogs of gay men in New York City who I don't know, but stick with me here).

Most celebrities are, well, kind of boring. They don't have much to say, and when they do say something interesting, it's because somebody else wrote it. Somebody who I would be far more interested in talking to than the celebrity. It reminds me of a party I went to once, where I ended up standing with a Famous Actress, who was apparently bored by the conversation about a book everybody else had read and exclaimed, "When are you going to say something fun? This is a party, not an English class!"

Wow, that made me wish I could be her best friend, I assure you.

So this evening I went back through my bookmarks of celebrity blogs and weeded out the most vapid. Most of them I don't read, admittedly, because I simply do not have enough time to read everything every day. Even Miss Manners has fallen by the wayside this semester, on account of my spending eight hours of every day in a studio or a darkroom, well away from Internet access and covered in toxic chemicals or mud or both. But the rest I don't read because the more I read them, the more I disliked the particular celebrity, whose work I liked before I found out what a brainless twit he or she really was.

Posted by ayse on 05/18/04 at 9:46 PM


Miss Manners has a blog? Or is it just her daily column? I should probably add that.

What? I'm not gay! What makes you think I'm gay?

Oh, must be all the sex with men...

I recommend Boy George's blog.

No blog for Miss Manners, just her twice-weekly column. I was reading it at the Washington Post website, where they also have Tell Me About It, by the amazing Carolyn Hax. Both have fallen by the wayside in favour of toxic chemicals and mud.

And, um, the blogs of gay men in New York who deny being gay, and who are about to start dressing their kitten up in little sweaters. Not that we know anybody like THAT.