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April 24, 2004

Cheap Molds With a Catch

I've found a nice source of weird plaster molds for ceramics: eBay. They can be had for relatively little; often less than $10 each. The catch is that shipping on a huge hunk of plaster is likely to run into the $30 range, at least.

But they have stuff listed there that is simply not available in catalogs.

I've been shocked at the utter schlock in catalogs, and the lack of really good, weird molds for doing something more than making trinkets for the craft fair circuit. I expected more pots, more things for doing something remotely artistic, but as far as I can tell, the artists make their own molds and eschew the commercial mold market altogether.

It's that classic issue: if it can be made in mass, can it be art? A ridiculous thing to be arguing about, in my opinion. Mass production itself can be art, as any first-year art student should know well and good. Art is about evoking emotions, and if something evokes emotions, why bother arguing about whether it can be art based on some supposed criteria for what constitutes real art? Art happens, and if you try to stop it from happening by redefining it to death you are only cheating yourself.

So I've been buying molds on eBay with no particular project in mind. They are just crying to be turned into a weird army of figures, lined up along one side of the yard, painted with wode and armed with pitchforks against the English.

Posted by ayse on 04/24/04 at 10:49 PM