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One Truth For All

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March 20, 2004

Bang! Smash! Crash!

I've had the kind of week where things keep going wrong.

First I messed up a bunch of negatives last week, so I went and bought a plastic film reel (more idiot-proof than metal). So what did I do as soon as I started developing a roll of film yesterday? I dropped the agitator down the drain. And there was no strainer, so it went down and disappeared immediately. The lab people will have to call a plumber, I suppose. Though with no strainer on the drains, I'm guessing all kinds of stuff rolls down there on a regular basis, so this can't be entirely unanticipated.

Fortunately, the roll of film turned out OK. Small blessings, I guess.

Yesterday evening I noticed that the lavender, which I'd intended to plant along the front walk as soon as the painting was done, had dried up and died in the heat we've been having. I suppose this means the end times are upon us and the last thing I need to worry about is landscaping, but I do wish I'd paid attention to watering schedules.

Today, after my first letterpress class (I'm taking an 8-week class at the college, because it's offered and more time on the press is a good thing), I ran into the darkroom to run off some prints quickly. Things went mostly well, except that one of my prints got stuck in the dryer and a bunch of them ended up wrinkled. (They flattened out OK in my notebook, but still.)

I thought I would work on the front yard some, since the weather is nice and it's supposed to get nasty next week. So I went under the house to get our little garden wagon out, and sank into a mucky hole up to my ankle.

Fortunately, the gardening went well, and now the little magnolia (which is in bud!) has a circle of mulch around it (with weed barrier underneath to keep out the Bermuda grass), and a number of those dandelion-like things have been pulled up, so the front yard looks like a bunch of teeny gophers have been having at it. Tomorrow I might go buy more lavender and plant it along the walk.

I also spent some time reworking my photoblog, in ways that are completely invisible to anybody but me, but which make it easier to put together posts. And I'm planning some other major revamps of other bloggish items, like my book list and some elements of the main page here at One Truth for All. With any luck, I won't totally and irretrievably mess this site up in the process.

Posted by ayse on 03/20/04 at 7:26 PM