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February 4, 2004

Pain and Suffering

For some reason, I've been having headaches for the last few weeks. These headaches are strongly correlated with reading, or looking at small things close up, so I suspect that my mother's warning's have come true, and I have actually RUINED MY EYES by reading too much. I have been reading a lot lately; about a book a day, or sometimes two. And I having been hanging out on the web too much, and reading on the screen is stressful on the eyes. Luckily, I have an eye doctor appointment in a week and a half.

In the mean time, I have been considering hunting down my old reading glasses, with the crappy lenses that make everything all rainbowy, and using them, just to tide me over. Not reading for a week is absolutely not in the running as an option.

Added at 11pm: I used the reading glasses tonight (have them on right now, in fact), and they do help somewhat. This is a bit relieving (these headaches are not likely to be caused by a brain tumour if glasses make them go away) and also worrying (the one ability I fear losing more than any other is my sight). Also, it's rather irritating to see little fricking rainbows on everything from these crappy lenses, but I'm getting over that.

Posted by ayse on 02/04/04 at 7:40 PM